Transfer money, pay rent or your milkman or electricity bills – all from one place Find answers to all your queries with comprehensive FAQs, How-to Videos & Helpful tips Troubleshoot your network, recharge or any other issues and find resolution with ease Live chat with us, in English or Hindi, for instant resolution JioAutoPay: Set up AutoPay for hassle free payments Link and pay with saved cards, wallets, and saved UPI IDs Payment instruments and wallets: Choose from a list of recharge plans and avail exciting offers. Manage devices: Manage your JioFiber devices with ease! Allow who connects to your JioFiber Wi-Fi, manage Wi-Fi names and passwords Profile settings: Customise your personal profile and Jio account Multiple accounts: Easily link and manage Jio accounts using your profile Recharges: Get calendar reminder for your due recharges!
Balance & usage: View real-time account balance or amount due for payments and usage patterns for calls, data and SMS Shortcuts to your favourite features across the app, hottest music & movies, games & more
MyJio is your one stop destination for recharges, UPI & payments, managing Jio devices, Movies, Music, News, Games, Quizzes, & a lot more